It's hard to believe that Cameron is already 19 days old today. I have to say, everything we have heard about life in the NICU is right on. Every day is a challenge and it's like being on a roller coaster. He will be doing awesome when we are there in the morning, and when we go back later in the day, he will be having some issues. Or not so great in the morning, but awesome at night.
Mike and I have been spending as much time as possible by his bedside, but he needs a LOT of quiet time and rest, so we try not to bother him too much. They do his 'cares' every 4 hours, and they let us change his diaper, check his temp, etc, while they do any needed blood draws, suction his lungs, etc. We are there at least twice a day for several hours, and he really responds to our voices when we talk to him. He especially seems to respond to Mike and still loves gripping daddy's finger.
Overall, Cameron is doing as well as any other premie his age. He still relies heavily on his ventilator and needs oxygen adjustments frequently. He also has what is called a "PDA" or Patent Ductus Arteriosus. That basically means that a valve in his heart that should have closed at birth is still open. They were hoping it would close on it's own, and at first it seemed like it was going to. It went from small to tiny to possibly closed. Unfortunately, it seemed to re-open to a moderate size on Sunday, and despite treating it with medication to help it close, it still appears to be open. One of the side effects of this PDA, is that it can make his breathing worse. So the big news today is that they are going to do surgery tomorrow to try and clamp the valve closed. The hope is that by correcting the PDA, his breathing will improve and his ventilator needs will go down. Despite this being a fairly 'routine' surgery for premies, we are still nervous about it. PLEASE SAY SOME PRAYERS FOR CAMERON!
On a positive note, he is gaining weight and was able to start getting milk through a feeding tube, although they have temporarily stopped his feedings because of his PDA. He is up to 4 pounds, 2 ounces already!
Hope you enjoy these pics!
One week old. He is still in the 'tiny' diapers.
2 weeks old. Already graduated to the next diaper size!
Grandpa Hughes was in town over the weekend and helped us celebrate Cameron's 2 week birthday.
18 days old. He loves to have his hands up by his face. It's a self-comforting measure.
Next to daddy he looks so tiny!