We arrived at Phoenix Children's Hospital at 7:15am for a scheduled surgery at 9:30. Poor Cameron hadn't eaten since 3am, so he was a little cranky. We sat in the admitting waiting room until around 7:45, then it was off to the surgery waiting room. Fortunately, we had our own little room to wait in, with a TV and a new bear waiting for Cameron! Well, they actually let Mike pick out Cam's bear from the 'brave little patient' toy bin. We found out our doc was stuck in traffic, due to a huge crash on the 10. A robbery suspect, who was fleeing the police, got on the freeway going the wrong direction and hit a semi head on. So Mike grabbed some coffees, Cameron got into his cool Koala Rocketship hospital gown (he wasn't too excited about the purple color), and we waited. And waited, and waited. Ugh, waiting with a hungry baby in a hospital gown is no fun! We kept him entertained though. Mike played rocketship and we had adventures with the new bear. Then the Chaplin stopped by, chatted with us for a few, and said a prayer with us for Cameron. It was very calming and relaxed us a little. Finally, just before 11, the doc arrived. He came in and chatted with us, then the anesthesiologist came in, then we were finally off!
First update came at about 12:15. Lines were in, they were officially getting started. Next update will be in an hour. So we head down to the cafe and get some lunch. Scallop salad for Mike (really, at a hospital cafe?), and I had, of course, the pizza. Can't ever pass up pizza.
Next update comes at 1:15. They were really amazing about actually updating us when they said they would. The nurse is smiling a big smile, phew. That's always reassuring. Cutting is done, everything is going well, next they will start molding and piecing it back together. In the meantime we watch some hilarious Chappelle Show season 2 clips to keep our minds occupied. "I'm Rick James!" Thank God for comedy and portable dvd players. :)
2:15. Our friendly nurse is back again. This time I am in the NICU pumping, ugh. Mike chats with her. They are almost done piecing back together, then they'll sew him back up and the surgeon should be out to talk to us in an hour or so. Now we're really getting nervous with anticipation. How will he look? Will his expressions be different now? Will his eyes look smaller with his new brow bone? Will his cute chubby cheeks appear smaller? Most importantly, how will he feel?
3:30ish. Finally, we see the surgeon! Everything went well, Cameron is on his way to recovery, we should be able to see him in exactly 10 minutes and can talk about the surgery more then. We set our timers on our phones for exactly 10 minutes then go to the frantic task of calling, texting, emailing, packing our stuff up, going to the restroom, etc. Just as the timers were about to go off, the surgeon cruised back by and offered to walk with us to the room. He warned there would be swelling. Lots of swelling. But for at least this first hour or so, he should look somewhat 'normal'. Take a mental picture of that, he said. Otherwise you will focus too much on the swelling and forget how great he really looks!
We get to the room and an xray tech had beaten us by about 5 seconds. So we have to wait in the hall, peeking in the window, while they take an xray of his lungs. Just to make sure they look ok after the anesthesia. Hurry up, I want to see my baby!!
Cameron looks great! Definitely gives me unwanted flashbacks to the NICU with all the cords and how out of it he seems. He is opening his eyes a little, but is still very sleepy. The swelling is already beginning, although we get a good idea of his new 'look'. Still cute as can be!
The next few days will be the real test. Although we got through the scariness of surgery, we now have to deal with trying to comfort our confused little angel, who we can't pick up. The surgeon tells us that compared to his 'fundo' (the surgery he had when they wrapped his stomach, and put in his g-tube), this is nothing. As far as pain goes that is. He said the main frustration comes from not being able to see. *Most* kids who have Mytopic synostosis will have both of their eyes swell shut for 24-48 hours after the surgery. He said that is what causes the most 'pain' because the poor little guys have no idea what's going on, they just suddenly can't see anything. Think of how scary that would be for you or me!
So for now, we are all doing great! And a few days from now, we'll be doing great again. In the interim though, we may have a little rough patch. Cameron is one tough cookie though, and at this point, I think his parents are too. It doesn't make it any easier though.
We greatly appreciate everyone's prayers, support, kind words, and gestures! And a special thank you to Scott and Caroline for the temporary home base!! They live blocks from the hospital, while we are about 45 minutes away (without traffic). Mike is crashed out there as we speak, since only one parent can stay overnight in the room. Speaking of which, this parent probably needs to get some shut eye while she can. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a looooong day.
Check out today's pics, and make sure to read the captions. They really tell the story. :)