Right now, as you can probably tell by the title, Cam's favorite foods are sweet potatoes, avacados and pears. I think pears are the true FAVE though. He will eat the most of those when available.
He continues to make progress with his development, also slow, but steady. He is finally sitting up fairly well with no support! He will tip side to side a little when he gets excited about a particular toy, but mostly sits pretty steady. He's rolling more and more, and when on his tummy (with a little help) he pushes his legs to try and crawl.
The most exciting was last night though. He has a rainforest soother thing in his crib that I turn on when he's napping or going to sleep. There is a little parrot that you push to turn it on. Last night, after it went off, I caught him reaching for the parrot and trying to press it! Very purposefully too. He kept smacking right on the parrot, it wasn't like he was just hitting the whole thing. I was SOOO excited!
He's also becoming way more vocal recently, although he has been 'talking' for months now. It is really starting to get loud since they put the tubes in his ears on July 20th. I think now that he is hearing more clearly, he is experimenting with his voice more.
He is really becoming quite the character, I've started calling him my little koala bear because of how strongly he grips on to me now. Daddy can make him laugh for hours and hours, and he is fascinated with the dogs. We let him pet Scooter, although he's more trying to pull her fur and drool on her than he is 'petting'. She's a very sweet and tolerant doggie. Now Max on the other hand....let's just say there's no petting Max in Cameron's near future.
Anyway, time for some much needed rest. I hope you enjoy reading this most recent post. We thank everyone again for all their kind wishes, prayers and support!
Here are some recent iphone images for your enjoyment-