We posted a lot of new pics on Picasa! I will also update everyone on all of Cameron's exciting developments shortly. Trying to find the time! :) http://picasaweb.google.com/hughesfamilyaz
Italy Trip Photo Album
11 years ago
All about our miracle baby, Cameron. Born at 27 weeks, weighing only 3 pounds and 3 ounces, our boy continues to amaze us every day! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. We hope you enjoy reading about his wonderful progress.
Don't worry about us... although we all love the updates and pictures we also understand that you have your hands full. :) So, when we get to see the pics that'll be great, but until then just snuggle that cutie for us! :) We're glad to hear that things are going well and pray that it only gets better. Lots of love!